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Nevada’s Dina Titus out front on protecting dogs from animal experiments

Kudos to Congresswoman Dina Titus, D-Las Vegas, for winning an amendment last week on the floor of the U.S. House to defund painful, wasteful experiments on dogs conducted by researchers at the Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. Her amendment is modeled after the PUPPERS Act, which is also co-led by Rep. Titus, that would prohibit these sorts of experiments on dogs.

Rep. Titus has been an unyielding warrior in exposing these harmful and disturbing experiments on man’s best friend. In May, she led a congressional inquiry into animal testing at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. The following month, the VA halted plans to conduct an experiment that would have involved drugging and killing narcoleptic Dobermans to study the drugs’ neurological effects. Without her leadership, these dogs could have died at the hands of the federal government.

I am extremely grateful for Rep. Titus’s longstanding work to establish accountability in federal animal testing, as well as her support for a plethora of animal-protection issues. She recently earned a “100+” on the Humane Society Legislative Fund’s 2016 Humane Scorecard, demonstrating her record as a champion for animals. She is also a cosponsor of the Humane Cosmetics Act, which will end animal testing on cosmetics in the United States. Nevadans should be proud to have someone so tenacious and compassionate representing the 1st Congressional District.

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