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Breaking up the best way forward for district

Wednesday’s front-page headline “Trustees skeptical of proposal” in regard to reorganizing the Clark County School District should clearly show the public and parents that the trustees care about one thing: power.

I have lived here locally for 10 years. Each year, the “progress” of district students versus national results puts us at or very near the bottom. This tells me one thing: What the trustees are supporting is not working. Large school districts in cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit all suffer from the same malaise as does Clark County. They’re way too big at the top and deliver extremely poor results.

One way to properly evaluate the situation would be to compare the Clark County School District to successful districts across the country. I grew up on the East Coast and have lived and sent children to school in southern California. Both locations have numerous local school districts managed by elected local boards to oversee operations. So let’s compare our district to districts in Irvine, Calif.; Abington Township, Pa.; Cheltenham, Pa.; Huntington Beach, Calif.; and Upper Dublin, Pa.

The comparison should not take long. The results would be extremely enlightening. And, in my opinion, the results would go a long way toward proving the point: Break up the Clark County School District.

John Turzer


Terrible hand

I must disagree with Bob Maige’s Thursday letter regarding Hillary Clinton (“America before party”). If she is elected, she will likely appoint two more U.S. Supreme Court justices. They will tilt the balance of the court away from the constitutional republic established by our Founding Fathers.

The court is currently a tie, with four justices who believe in our Founding Fathers and four who do not.

Hillary Clinton has a problem with the truth and anyone so afflicted should not be our president. Donald Trump is disliked — and rightfully so — because of things he says. Hillary Clinton is disliked because of what she has done. One can repent, the other cannot change things she has done.

I agree we have been dealt a terrible hand, but we must play the hand we’re dealt. I will hold my breath and vote against Hillary for the sake of our country.

We really should stop the fighting between Republicans and Democrats and vote as Americans. Please vote to ensure our constitutional republic does not fail in 2016.

Tom Lynch


Angry mob

I have talked to a number of people who will most likely vote for Donald Trump regardless of his obvious shortcomings, vulgarity, hateful and childish speech and habitual lying. They are aware of all this, but do not care.

The disgust with the establishment and its partisanship nature and an irrational hatred of Hillary Clinton have turned much of the electorate into an angry, pitchfork-yielding mob. The Founding Fathers feared such a mob — often made up of low-information, high-emotion types.

One reason we have a republic and an Electoral College instead of a direct democracy is so we can avoid the risk of reckless and unbalanced people becoming our government leaders.

Mark Kagan

North Las Vegas

LETTER: President and immunity

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