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Why are Democrats disparaging tax cuts for the American people?

In rebuttal to Richard W. Munk’s Tuesday letter, “GOP scam”: If the GOP tax bill is such a horrible travesty for the middle class and the poor, the Democrats should be filled with uncontrollable excitement because its passage would be political suicide. The opposite, however, is true. Not a single Democrat voted for the tax bill, and members of the Democratic leadership disparage the legislation at every opportunity.

Mr. Munk speaks of a partisan bill. He says that we, the people, are being scammed. Yet he does not acknowledge the partisan Democrat Obamacare bill passed behind closed doors. Remember Nancy Pelosi’s comment that we have to pass the bill to know what’s in the bill? Scammed. Mr. Munk also mentions the new tax bill will add $1.5 trillion of debt. Where was Mr. Munk when President Obama added $9.3 trillion in debt in his eight-year term. That’s more than all other presidents combined.

Mr. Munk speaks of millions of people losing health care with the repeal of the Obamacare mandate. Yet, once again, he fails to mention the millions of people who lost their health care with the passage of Obamacare and were no longer able to keep their plan or doctor, as promised.

And finally, Mr. Munk screams the Democratic chant of “it’s a tax cut for the rich,” that corporations, billionaires and millionaires will benefit while while half of middle-class tax cuts are temporary and the average American will pay more in taxes by 2027. Well, if our president wants to give me a tax break for the next 10 years, I’ll take it. And I believe most Americans would and be happy with that as well.

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