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New Raider headquarters will be disruptive to nearby residents

In response to your Wednesday story, “Henderson OKs sale for new Raiders’ HQ”:

It was sickening to hear the applause coming from the Henderson City Council meeting Tuesday evening. The thought of a stadium at which the Raiders can practice practically being built on top of our homes; roadways near our senior communities loaded with traffic; and the Henderson Executive Airport handling constant flights over us is not acceptable.

This is topped by the fact that the city practically gave away the land to the Raiders as a gift.

What have we citizens done to deserve this abuse of our lifestyles? Why are we being subjected to such upheaval? Has no thought gone into the impact on the lives of the residents of the affected communities? It appears that the only consideration was the possibility of funds being brought into the city as football fans are encouraged to frequent the facilities.

I hope the powers-that-be will step back and give some consideration to the residents. Before signing that agreement, please think about the negative consequences to our lives. There are other ways to bring money into our city.

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LETTER: Thanks a lot, Joe Biden

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