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Anti-Trumper vows to keep on fighting

So a year after the election that was clearly influenced by an enemy foreign power, Donald Trump has managed to drain no swamps. He has, in fact, turned the presidency into a low-budget reality show. As it is, the people who said he was unfit for office have been proven correct — and then some.

And the establishment GOP (think: Dean Heller) that was going to be put in its place has instead forgone its duty to protect the Constitution in order to gift the wealthy with a historic tax break. They will go on using their useful idiot to sign their laws as long as they can, even if that means the end of the United States of America.

I just returned from Ireland to this unholy mess. I registered as a Democrat. I warn all Republicans that I also took an oath to defend the Constitution when I went into the military, and it did not have an expiration date.

I know we have people who put partisan politics, personal hatreds and racist views above their concern for the Constitution, but I am not one of them, and I will do any and all legal things I can to make sure the United States thrives and prospers in spite of them.

If there is any good to come out of the placement of a suspect in the Oval Office, it is this: It woke up the rest of us to what we stand to lose.

LETTER: Yes, Republicans want to ban abortion

If you are pro-choice, be careful for whom you vote. Don’t be fooled. A vote for any Republican going to Congress is a vote to ban choice.

LETTER: Thanks a lot, Joe Biden

Three years ago, the White House and its liberal economists told us inflation is “transitory.” It’s just taking 30 times longer to transition than they estimated.

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.