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Nevada scores poorly on smoking report card

Your Wednesday article, “Nevada grades horribly in tobacco use report,” noted that 16 percent of Nevada’s population smokes.

In 2016, Nevada passed a Clean Indoor Air Act, which banned smoking in public places, with the exception of casinos. Why were casinos exempted? Do people go to casinos to smoke? I don’t think so. They go to gamble, have some drinks, eat, socialize and party. If a person wants to smoke in a casino, take it outside.

According to Will Rucker, director of programs for the American Lung Association in Nevada, “Our perception of smoking is behind the times.” How true. When will the casinos in Nevada enter the 21st century and ban smoking throughout their buildings? Why should casino employees, tourists and citizens of Nevada who patronize casinos be subjected to secondhand smoke?

Let’s ban all smoking products from casinos, including vaping products and marijuana. I hope the casino moguls are paying attention.

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