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Corrupt career politicians abandon Trump at their own peril

First, let me say that this is the last election cycle I will vote in the primaries. In Nevada, you have to be registered as either a Democrat or Republican to vote in the primaries and I am changing my affiliation to non-partisan.

Now, supposedly because of some stuff Donald Trump said 11 years ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP are finally showing their true spots. They are a bunch of corrupt career politicians who couldn’t care less about the nation and its citizens. They are concerned only about their own interests, such as open borders, terrible trade deals and the continued decline of our economy.

The reasons are obvious. They are being paid by lobbyists representing the enemies of the people: Big corporations that are interested only in the bottom line. Cheap labor and tax laws in their favor are what they want from the Republicans — and Donald Trump is threatening to upset the apple cart.

I find it disgusting that these feckless idiots would rather see our nation go further in debt and our fellow citizens continue to suffer than do something to change the current scenario. I am done with them. After I vote for Mr. Trump, I am not going to vote for either Democrats or Republicans ever again.

Nicholas P. Gartner


Larger problem

It’s time we had a frank discussion about Donald Trump. He is not a politician like those to which we have become accustomed. He doesn’t know how to lie with a smile on his face. Rather, he is a businessman, which Washington is not accustomed to.

He is taking heat now from establishment Republicans, who don’t support him. It’s also my choice not to support them.

I strongly urge Mr. Trump to grab issues like a dog with a bone. Start with budgets and waste. Talk about the billions in overruns on the VA hospital and the construction delays. How about the $6 billion unaccounted for in the State Department under Hillary Clinton’s watch? And the billions given to Iran in foreign cash. How about the $100 million vacations by the first family? If it wasn’t budgeted, where did it come from? No CEO would allow that in business. Yet the government closes memorials to visitors, claiming no money.

Both Democrats and Republicans have a strong desire to keep the status quo. That’s why we went some $10 trillion deeper in debt in the past six years. These are only small examples of the larger problem.

Dale Laine Sr.

Las Vegas

Below standard

For 37 years, I’ve been reading the editorial and commentary pages of the Review-Journal. While I agreed with some and disagreed with others, they were always insightful and thought-provoking. But Wayne Allyn Root’s Wednesday commentary about how Hillary Clinton cannot possibly be leading in the polls because — among other things — her campaign gear doesn’t sell at airport shops and her book isn’t selling well, is just Enquirer-type nonsense.

The Review-Journal can do better.

Robert Bencivenga


Tough choice

Donald Trump is a bully and a narcissist with no respect for women or anyone else.

On the other hand, I am having difficulty seeing how anyone can hold up Hilary Clinton as an example for women. Here is a women who has so little respect for herself that she would continue to be married to a man who has repeatedly cheated on her. His affairs aired repeatedly in the media both before and during his presidency.

Or maybe her ambition to stay in the White House overshadowed any expectation of fidelity.

Vicky De Leo


User tax

The only equitable way to handle the public funding portion of the stadium financing would be to put an additional tax on the ticket sales. This would ensure that the people enjoying the use of the stadium are the ones paying for it.

Robert Welz

Las Vegas

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