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Apparently, we now have plenty of water

A few years ago, the citizens of Las Vegas were told that if we didn’t conserve water, we would be in serious trouble in the very near future. The message was heeded and citizens did a tremendous job of saving water. I, for one, let part of my lawn die and I shut off a small outdoor fountain that the birds used for drinking and bathing.

Just my attempt at doing my part to conserve.

So I was surprised to read the Alexander Corey’s article in the July 30 Review-Journal revealing that developers would be building 15,000 homes in the Tule Springs area in the next 10 to 15 years. Did they find new waters?

Why are the citizens told to conserve, but construction of 15,000 new homes will be allowed? And it’s not just the new homes. Other businesses will be needed to accommodate the buyers, plus new schools and parks. They all require water.

I guess I will just turn on the sprinklers to my dead lawn and fill my fountain for the birds to use. There seems to be plenty of water to go around.

Curklin Jackson

Las Vegas

Security questions

All military personnel who use their personal cell phones, computers or personal servers to send classified or top secret memos, letters or other noted information will be relieved of their duties, demoted, lose their clearances, discharged, fined and possibly sent to prison. They will never be employed by any government agency or government support contractor for the rest of their lives.

Hillary Clinton used her personal cell phones, tablets and computers — as well as her personal private server — to send more than 120 classified and top-secret emails to people who didn’t even have security clearance (as noted and revealed by FBI Director James Comey).

Hillary Clinton lied on numerous occasions for more than two years in front of television cameras stating that she never sent classified or top-secret emails to anyone.

Hillary Clinton did not lose her security clearance, was not fined or sent to prison.

Hillary Clinton is running for president of the Untied States. If elected, she will also be the commander in chief of the U.S. military. How secure will the United States be if she’s elected?

Alan L. Blum


Tyrannical governments

In his latest anti-gun column supporting firearm background checks on all firearm sales, Steve Sebelius states “no law abiding person’s rights are jeopardized by background checks.” He should have added “for now.”

Anti-gun types are touting background checks as a tool used to keep firearms away from criminals — as if they would follow the law in the first place. The reality is that background checks will provide a paper trail to all legally owned private firearms to our government and that is really what folks such as Mr. Sebelius want desperately. That paper trail is only one liberal Congress and U.S. Supreme Court away from what anti-gun types really want, universal gun registration.

Recent history has shown us time and again that tyrannical governments which have confiscated private firearms always start with registration and “reasonable restrictions.” So when Mr. Sebelius states “there is no good reason to oppose Question 1,” history has proven him wrong on many occasions.

Brian Covey

Las Vegas

LETTER: President and immunity

Isn’t it rich that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicts a parade of horrors will follow the court’s majority decision that a president has limited immunity?

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?

LETTER: America’s gun culture

We as Americans have been left with no other choice but to learn how we can protect our families.