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LETTER: Nevada’s legislative Democrats rush to gut the Electoral College

I saw the news that the Democrats in the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 186 which, in essence, overrides the presidential votes of Nevada citizens who do not vote the same as the national vote.

Obviously the Democrats have forgotten that we are a democratic republic so that majority rule doesn’t destroy minority communities or states. In the current environment, Republican and independent voters in Nevada will have their votes disregarded due to the Democratic majority.

This vote by the Democrats shows that they hate President Donald Trump more than they love the United States.

LETTER: What a country!

AG Ford vows to protect illegal immigrants.

LETTER: Can’t we all just get along?

Funny how, when the left is no longer in power, they want to play nice in the sandbox.

LETTER: Donald Trump and Bizzaro World

The criminal-elect has nominated a fellow criminal to investigate criminals.