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LETTER: Meddling lawmakers and the minimum wage

If a tariff is a tax on the consumer, then doesn’t it stand to reason that an artificial $15 per hour minimum wage is also a tax on the consumer?

The minimum wage has already begun its climb to $15 per hour. But those waving signs and with little understanding of macroeconomics can’t see it. When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed, big, national companies announced they would reinvest the money they saved into expansion of their physical plants, creating more space and filling it with employees making no less than $15 per hour. This also forced their competitors to match their move or get left behind.

This is how you naturally raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour — not by demanding it or forcing it through legislation, which makes it an artificial number and akin to a tax on the consumer.

So to make a long story short, the Fight for $15 has been fought and won by someone who knew how to win that fight, President Donald Trump.

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.

LETTER: A dangerous combination

Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.