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LETTER: Trump not the only president to shake hands with every Air Force grad

In Wayne Allyn Root’s Review-Journal commentary of June 6 (“Trump’s work ethic will carry the day in 2020 election”), he stated: “Meanwhile, (President Donald) Trump stood on the stage at the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony last week and shook the hands of all 900-plus graduates. What president ever did that?”

The answer to that is President Barack Obama in 2012 (www.usafa.af.mil, the United States Air Force Academy, “A total of 1,073 graduates crossed the stage and received their diplomas from President Barack Obama)” and in 2016 (www.kdvr.com, Fox 31 Denver, “‘Obama shook the hands and saluted all of the graduates after delivering his speech”).

It’s very likely other presidents have done similar, as well.

LETTER: Henderson City Council and all its pet projects

I do not question the importance of supporting the fire department. But I do question the importance and priority of projects the City Council regularly spends tax dollars on.

LETTER: Has Kamala Harris ever run a business?

Don’t just vote for someone you would invite to dinner. Vote for someone you would want to run your business.

LETTER: Nevada’s shoddy education system

Those thinking about moving here will be thinking how they are going to educate their children. Many will change their minds and look at other options.

LETTER: Does Jacky Rosen favor abortion up until birth?

Since her attack ads, which may or may not be true, on her Republican opponent, Sam Brown, are mainly about his stance on abortion, she should be able to articulate her stance.

LETTER: Remembering the Donald Trump presidency

I commend the Review-Journal for endorsing Mr. Trump. Given the negativity and allegations surrounding him, it takes courage to stand by that choice.

LETTER: Abortion ads are getting tedious

Who isn’t getting nauseated with the saturation of political adds on virtually every television network?

LETTER: You’re up, California emigres

Do you wish for your new state to look like the state you just fled or to remain the state to which you decided to relocate?