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LETTER: Trump’s divisive rhetoric is fueling the urban protests

As a registered Democrat and a thinking liberal, I take exception to Doug Farmer’s contention that I and those with a similar ideology concerning equality are orchestrating riots as a scare tactic to influence an election (Aug. 31 letter to the editor). The only scare tactics being utilized are coming directly from President Donald Trump’s tweets and talking points. Mr. Farmer is confusing peaceful protesters with those on either side of the political spectrum who are inciting riots, or perhaps he sees even peaceful protesters as “maniacs.”

In spite of what Mr. Farmer believes, the Democrats/liberals are not to blame for the divisiveness and unrest. It is being encouraged by a president of the United States, which is unconscionable. A well- known fact is that words spoken by a president have a major impact on the direction of the country. Any president who truly loves our country would weigh the negative impact of his words carefully to ensure what is being espoused is in the best interest of all Americans.

LETTER: Immigrant voters may swing future elections

When you take into account that one of Kamala Harris’s main objectives is a “direct path to citizenship,” how many illegal immigrants will one day vote in general elections?

LETTER: The media keeps Harris’ secrets safe

The media is supporting the vice president’s lack of positions on important issues that voters should know about.

LETTER: We were already fooled once

Kamala Harris’ history tells us she is even more of a left-wing liberal than Joe Biden.

LETTER: Time to address lithium battery fires

Electric vehicles are transporting these lithium-ion batteries every time they go somewhere. Let’s limit their charge to 30 percent, just to be safe.

LETTER: Free speech shouldn’t apply to Trump

We Americans have a free speech law problem. Free speech should never apply when it is trying to accomplish doing away with our democracy.

LETTER: Get the national anthem right

Persons selected to sing the “Star Spangled Banner” in public should be vetted.

LETTER: Harris’ inflation promises fall flat

I wonder why she and the administration haven’t done anything in the past 3½ years to help the small-business owners during that time.