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LETTER: The twists and turns of the Trump B movie

Updated October 9, 2020 - 9:51 pm

The writer leaves the most scintillating, salacious and unbelievable plot twist until near the end. Donald J. Trump has not veered from this formula. With fewer than four weeks until the election, he has written an October surprise — a B movie in which only he could star.

Suit-clad and sulky, he boarded Air Force Two for Walter Reed Medical Center just days after his bullying bravado cast him as the incompetent, irrational and most ungracious person that he is. With a masterfully written plot twist, just like that, he changes the narrative from his pathetic debate performance, unpaid taxes and mounting Coronavirus death toll to a nation fretting over the health of the leader of the free world.

You couldn’t make this stuff up, but he could. He has been lying since he was old enough to say his name. We’ve seen this movie, and we know it doesn’t end well. His modus operandi is simplistic and sinister — lie, deny, deflect, repeat. Sadly it has worked for him to the detriment of everyone else for far too long.

While at the hospital, he tweeted, he plotted and he went for a so-called joyride to greet his supporters, the mask marauder waving at his misguided flock. He received the best medical attention and treatments our tax dollars could buy, and then — just like that — he beat the virus and bid Walter Reed goodbye.

It is nothing short of a miracle. Except last time I checked, he wasn’t eligible for a happy ending; it’s our turn.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

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