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LETTER: Don’t blame the system; blame the people

The Feb. 22 Review-Journal article “Bill would limit no-knock warrants” does not address the real problem behind abuses of the legal system. The basic cause of abuse and misuse of the legal system cannot be corrected by modifications in policy, procedure and process. The basic problem is with the people involved, not the law or system.

A case in point is the issuance of (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrants issued several years ago with the intent of harassing and destroying the Trump 2020 campaign and then the subsequent administration. There was a good system in place with plenty of safeguards and restrictions. Yet none of it prevented the bad guys from blowing right through it and doing blatantly illegal things under the auspices of legality.

The problem is the people, not the system. Experience shows you can always find someone in authority to approve something no matter how outrageous and untrue the request or claims are. And the Breonna Taylor case does not appear to be a good incident upon which to base changes, but that’s really another issue.

LETTER: Holding Israel to a higher standard

War is ugly, and a lot of innocents suffer as a result. But you need to look to the ones who started it all for any vindictiveness, not the ones who are responding.

LETTER: Ukraine, Gaza have key differences

Russia’s land grab is intentionally targeting the civilian population while the Israeli military is doing its best to avoid civilian deaths after a horrific attack.

LETTER: The ticking time bomb

For a decade, our leaders have ignored the soaring national debt.