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LETTER: Let’s teach kids how to interact with the police

With all the complaints about police shootings in our country, has there ever been a thought about going back to teaching our children civics classes? They should know what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens, whether it is about voting or how to conduct themselves when stopped by the police.

I believe most of the police shootings today could be prevented if the suspects would obey the police commands. There are many reasons to be stopped by the police. The initial contact is not the time to hold court. Instead of blaming the police every time for the shooting, how about putting some blame on suspects who refuse to show their hands or try to fight the officer?

No one is perfect. There would be less conflict, however, if people contacted by the police did what there are asked to do. Argue in court later. Alive.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.