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LETTER: Articles on Mother’s Day, Henderson police were good reads

Thank you to Victor Joecks for his Sunday column on the importance of mothers. He’s right to say that no government program can replace a mother. The pandemic has created challenging child care issues for families but it seems most have figured out a way to handle them. Kids need to be close to their mothers, not kept in a government program.

In that same edition, the commentary by Mike Dye of the Henderson Police Officers Association was much appreciated. There’s so much misinformation and negative press about our police departments that it really is disheartening.

On the NextDoor platform, I often see community events where Henderson police are volunteering and giving of their time off to improve their relationship with the community. I also see plenty of times that people in Henderson give meals or other things to Henderson police in appreciation for the great job they do. These are apparently not newsworthy enough to be on the front page, so only the negative sensationalist pieces are published.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.