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LETTER: New bill clears the way for Nevada’s green energy future

Senate Bill 448 in Carson City provides a comprehensive road map for rebuilding Nevada’s economy toward a diversified clean energy future, with lots of good-paying jobs. Embracing carbon reduction and clean energy technologies can propel Nevada forward, while helping us avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

I applaud state Sen. Chris Brooks for his dogged creativity in bringing this legislation forward. Now our political leaders need to heed the dire warnings on climate disaster from the EPA last week and act. Nevada legislators must pass SB448 this session, as there is no time to waste.

In Washington, Congress must break through the quicksand of inaction to support Nevada policy with climate legislation that includes job-generating ideas such as a price on carbon with a carbon cash-back rebate to Americans.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.