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LETTER: The pipeline hack portends the future

In response to the recent pipeline hack:

What’s the big deal about a pipeline shut down? Isn’t that what President Joe Biden did with one of the first executive orders in order to promote the Green New Deal? Heck, the Biden administration’s energy secretary said there’d be no problem if everybody had an electric car. You know, so you can just charge the vehicle at home.

Don’t the Democrats have an infrastructure bill that would strengthen our electric grid and all our infrastructures? You know, with things such as pre-K, health care, foreign aid and electric trains to nowhere.

I can hardly wait until we start getting all the good-paying, Green New Deal jobs. That’s something to look forward to — if you want to pay more, wait in line more and have fewer choices.

LETTER: Up, up and away

I contend that the gas produced by the City Council is worse than anything the common folk could ever think of.

LETTER: Jurors have an easy job in Hunter Biden case

The evidence is crystal clear, compelling and truthful — and there are self-incriminating comments made by Hunter himself. It is a slam dunk.

LETTER: On the Oakland A’s

What are we wasting our money on? There are myriad and better places here to use the money we will save.

LETTER: Desalination, yes

But, the only new pipelines needed would be from the desalination plants to the reservoirs or canals.