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LETTER: Water issues don’t mean Nevada has to become California

In her Friday letter on water, Christine Kirk asserts that “thousands of apartments and houses are being built bringing more people to the valley.” Ms. Kirk has it wrong. Available housing does not necessarily prompt people to move here. But it makes it more affordable if they do. Consider that many of the homes under construction will be bought by locals moving up.

Ms. Kirk’s logic is the thinking that has contributed to the out-of control-housing cost and availability problems in California, which is helping drive the exodus to neighboring states. It appears she wants to replicate the California mess in Nevada.

Maybe limiting food, water, energy and other necessities would likewise discourage folks from relocating to Nevada. Who gets to make such decisions?

LETTER: Global warming and timelines

To give perspective, the California Sierra was largely free of permanent snow 700 years ago, but then developed the glaciers that are retreating today.

LETTER: Those dastardly mosquitoes

It’s been my pleasure to have lived in the Las Vegas Valley for 50 years. In all that time, I cannot recall ever once having been bitten by a mosquito. Until now.