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LETTER: Clark County School District shouldn’t erode grading standards

As an old teacher’s daughter, I was thrilled to read Samuel’s Hwang’s Sunday letter to the editor on proposed changes to grading policies in the Clark County School District. Now we’ve heard it from the guy who is attending school and being graded. We must not dumb down our students’ education. Education is to help our students reach their potential and to be prepared for the world they will enter on graduation.

Employers these days complain about employees who cannot build a complete sentence or add figures. Set the bar higher. Let’s not do away with SAT tests. That’s a goal for students to claim. When the Clark County School District pays more attention to bathrooms than to the education of its students, there is a definite problem

LETTER: Biden confused over inflation.

All this mismanagement has resulted in the national debt rising at a very alarming rate.

LETTER: Still after the Jan. 6 protesters

So more than three years after the riot, the government is still using taxpayer money and manpower in its vendetta to ferret out Donald Trump supporters.

LETTER: Columbia kids need to learn to pay their own way

Frankly, if I had kids at Columbia who participated in these “protests,” I’d yank them out of school, toss their stuff onto the lawn and tell them to get a job, go live in the real world and pay your own way.

LETTER: Here’s the real threat to democracy

In the 2020 election, Mr. Biden ran on promises he has failed to keep. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

LETTER: No need for an SOS on Social Security

The functional reality is that members of Congress need to keep Social Security alive or they will be voted out of office.