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LETTER: Failing the kids

In response to your recent story about student test scores: How long will the parents of the children in Nevada have to keep opening their newspapers, listening to TV or hearing on the radio the same thing year after year about their children being left behind?

When will someone step up and say enough is enough? Let’s face it, the system is broken. The people of Nevada are paying the bills, and the story ends the same each year: children are failing. Board meeting after board meeting in Las Vegas ends the same, with no answers.

Where is all this money going? Where are all the political leaders elected to do a job but who sit on their hands doing nothing? It seems the parents of these children have no say. Talk is cheap, and the School Board and teachers union have made that very clear.

LETTER: Desalination, yes

But, the only new pipelines needed would be from the desalination plants to the reservoirs or canals.

LETTER: Holding Israel to a higher standard

War is ugly, and a lot of innocents suffer as a result. But you need to look to the ones who started it all for any vindictiveness, not the ones who are responding.