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LETTER: Idaho offers guidance to new residents

Here and there

While visiting family and friends in Idaho, I picked up this “Welcome to Idaho” memo in a hardware store located in central Idaho. Like Nevada, Idaho is seeing a large influx of people (particularly from California) moving there.

“Welcome to Idaho: You came here from there because you didn’t like there, and now you want to change here to be like there. We are not racist, phobic or anti-whatever-you-are, we simply like here the way it is and most of us actually come here because it is not like there, wherever there was. You are welcome here, but please stop trying to make here like there. If you want here to be like there you should not have left there to come here, and you are invited to leave here and go back there at your earliest convenience.”

Our Legislature, governor and the people of Nevada should take heed.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.