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LETTER: GOP thinks its headed to victory in November

Republicans are busy peppering all media with midterm election predictions that history dictates Republicans will win. Because there are more democratic registered voters, these claims can come true only if Democrats fail to vote or decide to vote for the other party.

With a bare minimum of senators — including two who don’t seem to know what is best for the country — Democrats have managed to pass needed legislation that pulled us out of economic ruin and staved off the COVID-19 virus. What have Republicans done? They’ve voted “no” as a block and tried to derail every proposal presented. And they are claiming that the most problem-free election in history was a fraud and that Donald Trump won. Also they have worked at the state level to make it harder to vote and to count your vote.

Don’t let the do-nothing’s win. Benjamin Franklin said that we have “a republic, if we can keep it.” Help keep our republic. Vote. It is your right, your duty and the only way to save our way of life.

LETTER: Kamala tries to stay in hiding

It is readily apparent that Ms. Harris does not like or handle spontaneous situations well.

LETTER: The real immigration debate

How should the U.S. go about crafting solutions to immigration that acknowledges the need to uphold our immigration laws while also trying to uphold the spirit of America that has always welcomed immigrants?

LETTER: Hectoring us on road safety

Why on earth do we allow these huge 18-wheelers in the left lanes of our freeways? That’s like having a speeding missile on your back bumper.

LETTER: The invective flies both ways

Where is your editorial on Donald Trump and JD Vance toning down the rhetoric? Or are you tone-deaf to their remarks?

LETTER: The Democratic ‘gift’ to America

What are the people of Springfield to do? Kamala Harris expects these poor citizens to somehow feed, shelter, clothe, medicate and educate the 20,000 uninvited.

LETTER: How about a Trump-Harris trade?

It appears to me that the vice president choices made by Donald Trump and Kamala Harris should be reversed.