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LETTER: Joe Biden’s anti-growth policies?

I normally don’t spend much time reading your editorial page, but the headlines alone in this Sunday’s Viewpoints section I found rather fascinating.

One headline screamed: “Biden’s economic meltdown: His anti-growth policies augur ill for his nation and his party.” His anti-growth policies? The same policies that created more than 6 million new jobs in 2021, the highest one-year total in decades? The same policies that have the lowest unemployment rate in the past 40 years? The same policies that have personal bankruptcies at a 25-year low? And the same policies that created a government surplus of $119 billion in January? Yes, indeed, Joe Biden is obviously on a radical mission to destroy his party and his nation.

But when I turned to page three, I was informed that Hillary Clinton is responsible for the situation in Ukraine. The only good news in your Viewpoints section is that you don’t print “Viewpoints: Fair and Balanced.”

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.

LETTER: A dangerous combination

Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.