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LETTER: Climate crusaders scare the children

On Earth Day, I read that small children are traumatized after being taught that the Earth is in grave danger from climate change. Who could blame them? The climate crusaders worldwide assert that those little 8-year-olds are living on a doomed planet that will be toast before they are old enough to marry and have kids if their own.

If you follow this matter, you’ve noticed that there are no opposing views of climate change anymore. Tired of being shouted down, those with opposing views know the futility of disagreement. That should frighten us more than anything. It means that actual science has been overcome by politics, and that is not a good sign for the future.

LETTER: A balanced approach on the energy transition

We will never be free of fossil fuels. A balanced approach is needed. Politically doctrinaire positions on both sides won’t help us resolve the current problems.

LETTER: Up, up and away

I contend that the gas produced by the City Council is worse than anything the common folk could ever think of.

LETTER: Jurors have an easy job in Hunter Biden case

The evidence is crystal clear, compelling and truthful — and there are self-incriminating comments made by Hunter himself. It is a slam dunk.

LETTER: On the Oakland A’s

What are we wasting our money on? There are myriad and better places here to use the money we will save.

LETTER: Desalination, yes

But, the only new pipelines needed would be from the desalination plants to the reservoirs or canals.