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LETTER: Don’t blame video games for U.S. school shootings

Letter writer Mark Evans lays the blame for U.S. school shootings at the feet of video game creators and users. Clearly, Mr. Evans has not researched his assertion.

As study after study has concluded, the research does not support a link between violent video games and the horrific acts of school violence in the United States. For example, Patrick Markey, director of International Research and professor of psychology at Villanova University, conducted one such study and found that school shooters have much less interest in violent video games than the general teenage population.

The United States isn’t even the largest consumer of violent video games, yet it has one of the highest violent gun death rates. The top countries where violent video games are popular are China, United States, Japan, South Korea, Germany and United Kingdom. What’s unique about this list is that the epidemic of school shootings happens in only one of those countries: the United States, where guns — especially weapons of war such as the AR-15 — are easy to acquire.

In fact, according to Mr. Markey, the countries where video games are most popular tend to be among the safer countries, such as Japan and South Korea.

So in answer to Mr. Evans question, could it be possible violent video games have something to do with the shooting going on in our schools? The answer is no. But might the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, have been avoided if an 18-year-old were prevented from buying two semi-automatic rifles, hundreds of rounds of body-mutilating ammunition (requiring DNA identification of some of the victims) and ballistic clothing? The answer is much more likely to be yes.

LETTER: No conspiracy involving Hunter’s laptop

The R-J should acknowledge that Mr. Trump’s lies, frauds, defamations, criminal indictments and convictions are exponentially worse than Hunter’s laptop being evidence or any of the other alleged Biden missteps.

LETTER: Trump tries to win Nevada

Mr. Trump advocating for tax-free tip income is definitely one approach to winning Nevada. But my tip to Mr. Trump is to pick Marco Rubio and show the diversity of the GOP.

LETTER: Red Rock development ‘compromise’ is depressing

Red Rock Canyon is a fragile natural wonder. To claim that 3,500 homes and the traffic that goes with them, and changing the nature of the watershed, will not negatively impact the area is absurd.

LETTER: Russian warships off the Florida coast

It’s strange that the mainstream media are treating Russian combat ships miles off the Florida coast as nothing to see here.

LETTER: Columnist gaslights about Donald Trump

Mr. Trump would have not won if his affair with Stormy Daniels had been made public after the “Access Hollywood” tapes in which Mr. Trump brags that he grabs women by the genitals.

LETTER: A balanced approach on the energy transition

We will never be free of fossil fuels. A balanced approach is needed. Politically doctrinaire positions on both sides won’t help us resolve the current problems.