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LETTER: Las Vegas health care needs some improvement

Having lived here for more than three decades, my husband and I have reached the breaking point. The reasons why Las Vegas has such an abysmal rating in health care are the following:

It is close to impossible to get an appointment with any doctor, especially specialists. Months can go by before there is an opening.

Many doctors are under the umbrella of a hospital. The doctors are given mere moments to see and evaluate a patient, and this creates an adversarial relationship between patient and doctor. Patients often are forced to see physician assistants instead of a doctor.

Finding competent and willing staff is a major issue and quite often staff members are unfamiliar with insurance. The doctors are so busy that they rarely have time to oversee their office comings and goings.

We have found a few fine physicians in town who have compassion and competence, but the situation is getting worse. I hope our governor puts this situation on his agenda as a priority.

LETTER: Praise for the courageous Trump jurors

These patriotic people struck a blow for American justice. Now let us measure up by striking a similar blow at the ballot box on Nov. 5 to keep this resurrection of justice going forward.

LETTER: Wake up and stop subsidizing electric vehicles

Wake up and stop subsidizing electric vehicles. These car owners must be made to pay their fair share of the cost of roads. Put an end to this insanity now.