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LETTER: On Democrats and Republicans

Back in 1972 at Rancho High School, our economics teacher was asked what the difference was between Republicans and Democrats. Her response was historically very accurate. Republicans, she said, believed in big and small business and the people’s right to choose. whether it be right or wrong. Democrats believed in big government, as they would be smarter and in better position to do what was right for citizens’ lives. I decided to register as a Republican.

Along the way I have voted for many Democrats such as Govs. Mike O’Callaghan, Bob Miller and Richard Bryan. I did not always vote for the Republican presidential nominee. But given the current direction of the Democratic Party, I cannot see myself ever voting that way again.

LETTER: Praise for the courageous Trump jurors

These patriotic people struck a blow for American justice. Now let us measure up by striking a similar blow at the ballot box on Nov. 5 to keep this resurrection of justice going forward.

LETTER: Wake up and stop subsidizing electric vehicles

Wake up and stop subsidizing electric vehicles. These car owners must be made to pay their fair share of the cost of roads. Put an end to this insanity now.