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LETTER: Spineless Nevada Democrats run from Joe Biden

President Joe Biden has finished a four-day sweep of Western states, making outlandish promises and spending taxpayer money. According to a Sunday Review-Journal article, “The president notably stayed away from states where his presence could hurt Democrats,” including Nevada.

I find it interesting that Nevada’s contingent of the Biden faithful (Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen and Reps. Dina Titus, Susie Lee and Steven Horsford) vote for Mr. Biden’s destructive policies more than 90 pecent of the time yet none makes any effort to encourage the president to visit Nevada and stand beside him or her. When the going gets tough, their loyalty and conviction flow with the wind in order to save their hides. Should this feckless group of officials be re-elected, you can count on them doing an about-face and being first in line to invite Mr. Biden to Nevada so they can buy him a super duper ice cream cone.

Re-electing these spineless Nevada politicians would be a travesty of the utmost magnitude.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.