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LETTER: Comparing U.S. to New Zealand on COVID is apples to oranges

In his Monday “Lockdowns good,” John Burke compares the United States to some islands in the middle of nowhere. He slips in a tinge of politics, comparing Donald Trump to the socialist lunatic prime minister of New Zealand. That politician closed the whole country down after just one positive case of COVID. Not deranged at all.

I’m wondering if Mr. Burke saw the videos of cops in Australia mercilessly beating their own citizens in the streets. If you beat your dog like that in our country, you would get locked up for sure.

To quote our beloved Founding Father Ben Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Maybe the whole idea of lockdowns does have something to do with our liberties. I’m glad I don’t live in New Zealand or Australia. How about Mr. Burke?

LETTER: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

It seems clear that, left on his own, Mr. Biden is no longer capable of functioning independently and this is likely one of the reasons why he has not participated in many media interviews during his presidency.

LETTER: President and immunity

Isn’t it rich that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicts a parade of horrors will follow the court’s majority decision that a president has limited immunity?

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?