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LETTER: More giveaways for the ultra rich in Las Vegas

I know I’m not the only person who is sick of seeing my bills go up while millions of our tax dollars are lavished on sports franchises. If you object, you are told it’s “good for the economy.” Whose economy? Look at the quarterly profits of the casinos. Millions. While our disposable income continues to shrink.

It’s not just electric and water, but trash pickup, sewer and car registration. I just paid the latter. The registration was $33. The bill was $98. And the cost of the mandatory smog check was $28. That’s $126, but it’s only $33, right? And the cost of insuring that car? Continuing to go up.

People need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Giving money to millionaires is not “good for the economy.” What would be good for the economy would be for those millionaires to start paying their own way or, hey, start sharing those profits with the citizens who are actually financing them. It’s time for the goose to stop giving away golden eggs.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.

LETTER: Trump or Biden on taxes?

Under Mr. Trump, you paid less. Under Mr. Biden, you’ll pay more.

LETTER: A veteran reflects on Memorial Day

This is the quiet time. This is not a time for joy, parties and festivities. It is a time for reflection. A time to honor, to remember, to grieve.

LETTER: Americans need a break from the rat race

The 32-hour workweek recently proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders presents an opportunity to reflect on the hidden costs of our workplace culture.