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LETTER: Sage advice and politics

There’s a quote debatabley credited to Mark Twain: If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it. Was Twain clairvoyant? Does President Joe Biden win in 2024, whether he wins or loses?

Charles Talleyrand, who served as French prime minister for two months in 1815, said, “The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence.” President Biden. What a statesman!

LETTER: A veteran reflects on Memorial Day

This is the quiet time. This is not a time for joy, parties and festivities. It is a time for reflection. A time to honor, to remember, to grieve.

LETTER: Americans need a break from the rat race

The 32-hour workweek recently proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders presents an opportunity to reflect on the hidden costs of our workplace culture.