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LETTER: Joe Biden should be in assisted living instead of the White House

I have to wonder what letter writer Gary Lewey (Tuesday Review-Journal) was thinking. He referred to President Joe Biden as a “genuine leader discussing tangible accomplishments with a clear vision for our future.” Has Mr. Lewis been asleep for the past few years? Did he not see record inflation that raised the cost of groceries, gasoline, and the energy needed to heat and cool our homes (driven by his green policies)?

In the past few years millions of people have crossed our southern border illegally. What about the tons of illegal drugs that came into the country? Or the criminals who have killed U.S. citizens?

Mr. Biden is at a stage in his life where an assisted living home is a better choice than the White House. It’s time for President Biden to retire. He is an embarrassment to America and is seen as a very weak leader.

But Mr. Lewey was correct in his statement, “The responsibilities lies with us, the voters.” America cannot tolerate another four years of Joe Biden.

LETTER: Don’t believe latest presidential poll on Nevada

Your Tuesday editorial referenced polls showing Trump leading Biden in Nevada by double digits. As someone who has taught statistics and research methods, I have serious problems with the surveys.

LETTER: An end of an era on the Strip

Steve Wynn’s Mirage transformed the image of Las Vegas from the glitter gulch in the desert to an oasis of refinement and elegance.