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LETTER: Jacky Rosen misleads on Sam Brown and abortion

I agree with Erik S. Larsen’s Sunday letter regarding the political ads hitting the airwaves. He singles out Jacky Rosen’s ads stating she is bipartisan and points out her inconsistencies.

Mr. Larsen didn’t mention a current ad from Sen. Rosen stating her Republican challenger, Sam Brown, wants to take away abortion rights in Nevada. But abortion rights are enshrined in Nevada law. A woman has the right to an abortion up to 24 weeks. In fact, no one in Nevada can take away the right to an abortion, including Mr. Brown.

We need senators who fight for the rights of American citizens instead of promoting endless handouts to illegals. We need a representative who will put Americans first. Sen. Rosen supports an administration that has total disregard for its own citizens.

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.