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LETTER: Foghorn Leghorn on the Clark County Commission

I read your Wednesday article involving the county commissioners who were caught with their hands in the cookie jar regarding F1 tickets. They each deny any guilt and, in fact, say they can’t believe any ethics charges are being investigated. They remind me of the cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn: “I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell ya.” They think they are covered because they disclosed the bribe. They are shocked anyone would believe otherwise.

There is so much graft in politics today that it is sickening. It appears to be getting worse, which is sad. These politicians think they are above the law, and it starts at the top. The public elects people who promise to do their job within the law. But they instead get people who cheat and lie once elected.

I don’t claim to have the solution. But as a citizen I know it needs to stop.

LETTER: President and immunity

Isn’t it rich that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicts a parade of horrors will follow the court’s majority decision that a president has limited immunity?

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?

LETTER: America’s gun culture

We as Americans have been left with no other choice but to learn how we can protect our families.

LETTER: Yes, Republicans want to ban abortion

If you are pro-choice, be careful for whom you vote. Don’t be fooled. A vote for any Republican going to Congress is a vote to ban choice.