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LETTER: There’s nothing wrong with Joe Biden

Oh my God, Joe Biden had a slip of the tongue and called Volodymyr Zelenskyy “Putin” and Kamala Harris “Trump.” Head for your fallout shelter!

Let’s get real. These minor gaffes have no impact whatsoever on policy, as they were slips of the tongue and everyone knew what he meant. These verbal missteps were not significant as compared to the president’s detailed responses to questions about foreign and domestic policy that were on point and answered with facts and knowledge.

Compare those responses to the former president, who can’t string together a cohesive sentence. Ramblings about weak toilet flushes and cancer from windmills to injecting bleach to counter COVID and entertaining nuclear weapons to stop storms. By the way, that’s the guy who mistook a picture of the woman who accused him of sexual assault for one of his ex-wives.

If getting a name wrong were a sign of dementia, half the frazzled moms who get their own kids’ names mixed up would constitute an Alzheimer’s epidemic. It’s true that they have to juggle dinner, soccer games and laundry, but at least they are not tasked with the fate of the free world.

The American public would be well served to listen to the substance of political discourse rather than be gaslighted by MAGA-maniacs and influenced by Russian disinformation campaigns.

LETTER: The Trump assassination attempt

The evil enemy within kills or tries to kill the ones who are good for the country.

LETTER: Fight, fight, fight!

Instead of being in shock, a normal human reaction, or cowering behind Secret Service, he pumped his fist telling the crowd to, “Fight, fight, fight.”

LETTER: Finally, an uplifting news story

It touched my heart to read the story of Kit Herron and her plight when she was not able to afford a new air conditioning unit

LETTER: Joe Biden is playing the long game

All the Democrats in the Capitol whining and scheming to remove Mr. Biden from the ballot are being short-sighted. Joe is about to outfox them all.