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LETTER: The cart before the horse on green energy

If this country’s leadership really wanted to demonstrate its support of transitioning away from fossil fuels, it would start with upgrading this country’s power grid to handle all the increased electrical loads that committing to a greener future requires. Sadly, it has been painfully reluctant to acknowledge that reality and develop and commit to a holistic power plan.

Instead, it demonstrates a lack of understanding about the magnitude of the commitment and falls horribly short in its publicized (and citizen-funded, by the way) efforts to implement EV charger accessibility. Seems a little cart before the horse. Articles in the news forecast significant increases in roving black-outs, especially in states promoting a “green agenda.”

You don’t build a house from the top down. Start by strengthening the foundational power grid and Americans may start to believe you are really serious.

LETTER: Biden and democracy

America’s type of democracy is special in that it is achieved via the checks and balances imposed on the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.

LETTER: What’s in a name?

Mr. Segerblom seems to have nothing better to do than to change good established names to entertain his fancy and pat himself on the back.

LETTER: Biden seems to be getting paranoid

A president appearing to suffer cognitive decline is frightening. If paranoia is also potentially present, it becomes terrifying.

LETTER: The Trump assassination attempt

The evil enemy within kills or tries to kill the ones who are good for the country.

LETTER: Fight, fight, fight!

Instead of being in shock, a normal human reaction, or cowering behind Secret Service, he pumped his fist telling the crowd to, “Fight, fight, fight.”

LETTER: Finally, an uplifting news story

It touched my heart to read the story of Kit Herron and her plight when she was not able to afford a new air conditioning unit