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LETTER: Getting ahead of ourselves on electric vehicles

When will this wasteful foolishness end? The public doesn’t want electric cars. Manufacturers and their dealerships can’t sell them, rental car agencies can’t rent them and fleets are going back to reliable petro vehicles. But that doesn’t stop the Biden administration from taking the step of further indebting our country by giving $2 billion in grants to eight state automakers to either restart or expand electric vehicle production.

There is no thought for the debt burden of future generations. The myth of money printing as a way out is fantasy. Our government borrows from corporations, banks and foreign countries, and a day of reckoning to pay back these debts will come to fruition. The only other solution to eliminating this monster debt is sovereign collapse. In that case, hyperinflation will rule the day with bank runs happening until the money runs out.

For reference see the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe hyperinflation days.

The idiocy of putting the proverbial cart before the horse regarding electric vehicle viability and functionality has become evident, with consumers rightly rejecting these vehicles. We have neither the grid capability nor the charging infrastructure to support this boondoggle — and won’t for years.

This administration being desperate as poll numbers are trending toward a resounding defeat, saw the opportunity to shower taxpayer money on battleground states and auto manufacturers to pander for votes, plain and simple.

LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.