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LETTER: Kamala Harris should go for a Dream Team

Kamala Harris should choose Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan governor) as her running mate. Harris and Whitmer would be an awesome and talented “Dream Team” that would energize not the Democratic Party and inspire all our citizens to participate in this historical and monumental election that will decide whether we keep our basic liberties or are thrown into an authoritarian government.

It’s time that females take the lead to heal our country. It’s time that our female leaders establish common-sense gun laws that protect all our citizens. I believe that this “Dream Team” would inspire our entire country and Congress to come up with concrete solutions to alleviate the mental health issues of our citizens and develop solutions to end homelessness. We are a very wealthy country, and no one should be living and sleeping in the streets. Our country has many talented people with very creative ideas who can solve many of our problems.

It would be awesome and inspiring to all our citizens to have this talented female “Dream Team” guide the Democratic Party to victory. If Mexico was able to elect a female president, the United States can and should elect a female president and a female vice president.

LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.