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LETTER: Was Joe Biden an effective president?

The letter from Bret West headlined “How weird” references Ron Stegner’s Aug. 1 letter attributing high gasoline prices and the price of food to Joe Biden. Mr. West states that presidents have “little or no” control over these things. He goes on to mention the record low unemployment rate and record high stock market.

When Mr. Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline and canceled federal land oil leases to the energy companies, we, once again, became energy-dependent on foreign countries. When that happens, the cost of gasoline goes up. It costs more to move goods. That cost is passed onto you and me, the consumers.

As for the record unemployment rate and the high stock market, that was in place when Mr. Biden took office.

Mr. West states that Mr. Biden was an effective president. I’m not sure about Mr. West’s definition of “effective,” but Mr. Biden effectively let in millions of illegals and tons of illegal drugs and effectively raised inflation to record levels affecting every family in America.

LETTER: NV Energy’s shell game with rates

NV Energy’s press release word salad on rate hikes would make the White House press secretary proud

LETTER: Trump driving the country on the road to ruin

I delayed any judgement on Donald Trump for 30 days to see how his decisions affected our citizens and country. I am very afraid about what he is doing to our country.