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Rory Reid is the better choice for governor

To the editor:

I am truly disappointed in your endorsement of Brian Sandoval over Rory Reid for governor (Sunday Review-Journal). I suppose I should not be surprised, but feel it is an unfair endorsement.

Mr. Reid has good ideas and plans to support education and create jobs for the future of our state. He has the administrative experience to be a good governor.

Mr. Sandoval has a lovely smile, but has not said anything about how he will help Nevada create jobs and support our education system. He lacks the administrative experience necessary for being a governor.

I would hope that voters in this state will take the time to carefully study both candidates' plans for the future of our state and then vote for Rory Reid.

Martha Gould


Follow the money

To the editor:

We hear a lot in this election that the Democrats are fighting for the middle class and the Republicans are aligned with big business. To see who the candidates are truly representing, it might be useful to see who is funding their campaigns.

Sen. Harry Reid's top five contributors are: lawyers, securities and investment firms (big banks), lobbyists for big businesses such as insurance and pharmaceutical companies, real estate and the gambling industry.

Sharron Angle, on the other hand, has received 97 percent of her contributions from individuals all over this country who realize that Harry Reid is putting forth policies that are bad for this nation.

So who is for "big business" and who is for the average American who sees that we're on the wrong track? The money these candidates are spending tells you the answer.

Joseph Schillmoeller

Las Vegas

Getting thirsty

To the editor:

When you read Pat Mulroy, general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, saying, "I'm worried" in a story about the receding of Lake Mead, then we'd better get ready to cut our water usage drastically (Review-Journal, Tuesday).

It's now time to put a moratorium on building in both Nevada and Arizona, something that should have been done years ago. What part of "desert" don't people understand?

Jeanne Armstrong

Surprise, Ariz.

GOP failures

To the editor:

I remember my folks joking about their finances following attempts by then-President Hoover to get the economy going after the stock market crash. We need to revise the joke to, "We trusted Republicans, and now we are busted."

The Republicans have certainly delayed our nation's recovery, and now they want to continue their assault on our pocketbooks. Please reflect on the results of the 1920s when you vote in this election.

Marlene Joy


More than two

To the editor:

In the Review-Journal's editorial featuring state Senate endorsements, the only candidates mentioned were the Democrats and the Republicans. Why? I am sure that there are many very qualified third-party candidates or independent candidates.

In fact, I am a candidate in the state Senate District 9 race and feel that I am more qualified that the other two candidates mentioned by the Review-Journal. Did you visit my website, listen to my interviews on the radio, come to any events, or read the interview that I gave to the newspaper before you decided whom to support in this race?

If you did research my platform, you should have at least mentioned my candidacy and commented on why you couldn't support me.

Several weeks ago, a Review-Journal editorial said that the two-party system had failed and we needed more political parties. But then you don't even mention all the candidates in a race.

Tom Jones

Las Vegas

The writer is the Independent American candidate in the District 9 state Senate race.

Times interview

To the editor:

Did you see President Obama's recent interview with The New York Times? If not, you should. It's priceless.

"Shovel-ready projects"? That was all we heard from Mr. Obama as he pushed Congress to pass a $787 billion "stimulus" that actually cost well more than $850 billion. Now, after spending the money, Mr. Obama admits "there is no such thing as shovel-ready projects."

That's rich. Maybe if Mr. Obama had ever worked in the private sector instead of being a community organizer he would have known this.

In what can be seen only as an ironic twist, Michelle Obama is on the campaign trail, worried about the children she sees whose parents are losing their jobs. How about the fact her husband and the Democrats who control Congress just saddled those very children with the bill (which will exceed $1 trillion when interest is added in)?

Later in the interview, Mr. Obama said he wished he had "let the Republicans insist on the tax cuts" in the stimulus rather than including them himself so the package would have seemed more like compromise. My translation; "I messed up. The American people were smarter than I gave them credit for and I can't find a way to blame the failed stimulus on Republicans."

Mr. Obama fretted that he comes across as "the same old tax-and-spend Democrat." Not to worry -- many of us knew that before he was elected.

Robert Gardner

Las Vegas

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