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Will voters buy Democrat fantasyland?

Now that’s entertainment. The shows are now over and the series begins. I know these political conventions are designed to sway people who pay little attention to politics, but they really are productions nonetheless.

Excuse me while I open the envelope. This cycle’s winner of the Academy Award goes to the Democratic National Committee.

Without a doubt — if and when figures will be released — this cycle’s production will break the record for money spent, not to mention all the free support given by the behavioral scientists scrutinizing every word, every prop and every scene prior to show time.

Even so, there were some important items overlooked in Philadelphia that were corrected later. For example, no one ever thought to put a U.S. flag out on day one, and no one ever considered some in America may actually care about the family of slain police officers.

So the show is over and the series begins. The only question: How many who live in “Fantasyland” actually vote?

David Jaronik


Humane treatment

Recently, I was driving along a local highway when I noticed a horrible smell. Just then a cattle carrier went by me and I would guess there were about 15 animals in there all lying down in their own filth. Even when the truck got about half a mile ahead of me, the stench was strong.

It was a hot day, so I would guess it was more than 120 degrees in that metal enclosure. I did not see any water for the cattle. If anyone thinks animals get water after they arrive at the slaughterhouse, they are green as a gourd.

I realize that each year in America millions upon millions of animals are killed so people can consume their dead flesh. But would it do any great harm if these animals were treated in a humane manner, or would this be asking too much from the human species?

Gary Meese

Golden Valley, Ariz.

Feel-good philosophy

When I was young, my father had quite a number of weapons, all of which he taught me to use responsibly. I also have several guns — oddly enough, I have never been tempted to maim and kill others.

Perhaps then, while our political types posture and rant over the recent spate of moron-induced bloodbaths, less should be made about the availability of guns — which have always been available — and a lot more attention paid to the end game of two generations of liberal feel-good educational and social philosophy.

Since logic, judgment, history and common sense were tossed out the public-school window, many of today’s children (and adults) are very simply overwhelmed by our techno-crazed society. Devoid of strong reasoning abilities and lacking any emotional or spiritual certainties as guidelines, it is little wonder that the occasional wacko, goaded by Hollywood and blood-splattered video games, wreaks havoc.

Since we gun owners are to be made the scapegoats for unenforced laws and elitist educational failure, one point should be made. It is not the weapon that creates chaos. It is the deranged, the undisciplined and the unfeeling individual who simply does not give a damn about anyone else, having never been taught that is indeed right to care about others.

Remember, you can outlaw guns, but you cannot outlaw evil.

H.A. Young

Kingman, Ariz.

LETTER: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

It seems clear that, left on his own, Mr. Biden is no longer capable of functioning independently and this is likely one of the reasons why he has not participated in many media interviews during his presidency.

LETTER: President and immunity

Isn’t it rich that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor predicts a parade of horrors will follow the court’s majority decision that a president has limited immunity?

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?