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Development would increase housing stock

The Blue Diamond Hill housing development proposed by Gypsum Resources should be approved to provide the housing required to allow continued growth in the Las Vegas Valley.

Many of us have moved to the Las Vegas area for scenic beauty, but also for opportunity and to escape the high cost of living — especially housing costs — in California and Eastern states such as New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. As the Review-Journal editorialized on Oct. 25, “jurisdictions which shackle developers with burdensome land-use restrictions not only drive up the cost of housing, but exacerbate inequality.” The surest way to replicate the oppressive costs of housing found in other parts of the country is to over-burden developers with regulation, and in so doing, limit the supply of housing.

The Blue Diamond Hill housing development should be approved to allow the valley to continue to grow, providing affordable opportunities for all.

Caroline Feng

Las Vegas

Matter of freedom

There is one serious mistake with Gov. Brian Sandoval’s recent letter to the editor regarding his opposition to marijuana legalization. No one has a right to tell adults what they can put in their bodies. But Gov. Sandoval and his cronies have the military/police to force people to cower to their demands.

Vote “yes” on Question 2 so we get some of our freedom back.

Dennis Ward

Las Vegas

Election result

In his Sunday column, Steve Sebelius worries that Trump supporters will foment violent revolution should their candidate lose the election (“An unquiet revolution”). His theory is supported by the flimsiest “evidence” imaginable: an obscure Trump supporter making vague remarks elicited by The New York Times, a poll from a liberal source indicating “at least some concern about the possibility of violence” and another poll showing that some people are considering the purchase of a gun before Election Day.

Defend the barricades! They’re storming the Bastille!

Aren’t Mr. Sebelius’s alarming prognostications rich, in light of recent revelations that violence at Trump rallies was set off by protesters paid by Democratic operatives, with the blessing of the Democratic National Committee? Will Hillary Clinton and other Democrats accept the results if Trump wins?

Perhaps Clinton’s supporters will again pay demonstrators to incite violence, particularly after a special prosecutor is appointed to take an honest, unbiased look at the Clintons’ unlawful activity.

Ellen Shaw


Sticker shock

The back of my wife’s car has the following stickers: “Bernie, 2016”; “Thank FDR for Social Security”; “Trump U=Trump USA”; “Trump: A Brand, Not a President”; Dodgy Donald: Show us your taxes!”; “Welching Donald, Pay Up!” Also, it has a sticker with a cameo of Trump and, in case there’s any doubt, the hair is orange. The copy on it reads, “Stop Bigotry.”

A well-dressed, very coiffed woman gets out of her Cadillac, looks at the rear and says: “Is this pro or anti Trump?” My wife says, “Anti,” and she walks off in an angry huff.

Bruce Allen


LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.