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Another sports stadium in Las Vegas, but still no money for education

Once more, Las Vegas is excited about building another ballpark (“LVCVA passes deal to get new ballpark built,” Wednesday Review-Journal). What is wrong with the folks who decide how taxpayers’ money is to be spent?

Nevada’s schools continue to be at the bottom of national rankings. Among the abundance of problems, our schools are lacking adequate supplies, books, special programs for students who need extra help, well-paid experienced teachers and funding for necessary building repairs. Classes are overcrowded. Yet first they got excited over the forthcoming Raider stadium. Now it’s the Las Vegas Ballpark. Where is the money for education?

A society can exist without a single stadium, but it cannot exist without education. That money needs to go into schools. Homes are being constructed throughout Las Vegas, Henderson, Summerlin and outlying areas. Where are the children to go? Into the already crowded schools? Into the schools that are short teachers?

My hat is off to Ricki Barlow and John Lee for opposing this ridiculous measure. Citizens of Nevada, especially parents, should organize protests against this horrendous waste of money and push for a complete reorganization of our school system to get us out of last place and into the competitive market.

Millions are poured into the casinos every year. A portion should be allocated for exclusive use for educational necessities. One would think the conventional authority and the mayor would be anxious to use that — not the construction of a ballpark — as a magnet for visitors and new residents.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.