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Berkley a perfect fit for U.S. Senate seat

To the editor:

After reading Jane Ann Morrison's Thursday column urging Shelley Berkley to stay in her House seat and not run for the Senate, I must write to disagree strongly.

Rep. Berkley, my favorite congresswoman, was and still is the best candidate for John Ensign's Senate seat. As Ms. Morrison says, she is an unparalleled campaigner. As an appointed incumbent, Dean Heller will not have enough advantage to negate all these factors.

A year as a senator will not make Dean Heller more personable or better informed on issues that matter to Nevada's voters.

Rep. Berkley has spent years fighting for her constituents and Nevada. Her dynamic personality has won her the support of many who are not in her congressional district. She is known as a strong advocate for Nevadans and a woman with the courage to take a stand and speak honestly.

I have been impressed many times by her strength of character, articulate arguments and commitment to her constituents, especially on issues affecting senior citizens and veterans. While I do not want to lose her as my congresswoman, I am willing to share her with the rest of the state.

Nevada and our country need Shelley Berkley in the Senate, and I will work hard to make that happen.

Sue Brooks

Las Vegas

Budget woes

To the editor:

It was heartwarming to see middle school students on the sidewalk demanding that the "anticipated" budget cuts to schools not be implemented (Thursday Review-Journal).

I am sure all those students were taught Economics 101 and they understand that Nevada is broke. I am sure they all understand that the housing market is a mess and property tax receipts are down and that with high unemployment, so are sales taxes. I expect they can all cite the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the three branches of government.

But, probably not.

The teachers and students are like children stamping their feet and demanding they have their way. Well, kids, that is not the way it works. A teacher was quoted as saying, "We're teaching at two grade levels below what students in other states are learning." Now that is really comforting to hear -- and that is before cuts.

Get back to teaching the basics and learn to get by with less, as all Nevadans now do.

Shirlee Yunker

Las Vegas

Priest abuse

To the editor:

Victims of sexual abuse by priests are about to suffer once again.

The beatification of Pope John Paul II rubs salt in their wounds. To elevate him to sainthood, after he did nothing to protect the hundreds of thousands of innocent children and adolescents from sexual abuse, is wrong.

Pope John Paul II did not discipline his guilty clergy. Bishops knowingly moved priests to new parishes. Priests raped children and lied when confronted.

Regardless of what the Catholic hierarchy does, many victims will continue working hard to expose corruption, protect children, reform laws, warn parents and keep healing.

Rita Prince


LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.