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California highway sign prank spurs prompt action

As a lifelong Californian (56 years) who in September managed to escape to Las Vegas, where I bought a condo by the Strip, I found myself shaking my head when I read the Wednesday article by Review-Journal reporter Jesie Bekker: “Welcome sign’s message turns roadside detraction.”

It turns out that over the weekend, two “Welcome to California” signs on freeways headed to Nevada were done over with the following message; “OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE: Felons, Illegals and MS13 Welcome! Democrats need the votes!” California officials quickly moved to take down the language.

Interesting, right. Also interesting that when average Californian citizens ask for help from their government, help rarely comes. If it does, it comes at a snail’s pace. Yet, when there’s the slightest chance that felons, illegals and MS13 might possibly be offended, well, the government acts at breakneck speed.

Guess California has its priorities. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be with average, law-abiding and hard-working people. How shameful.

LETTER: Yes, Republicans want to ban abortion

If you are pro-choice, be careful for whom you vote. Don’t be fooled. A vote for any Republican going to Congress is a vote to ban choice.

LETTER: Thanks a lot, Joe Biden

Three years ago, the White House and its liberal economists told us inflation is “transitory.” It’s just taking 30 times longer to transition than they estimated.

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.