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County commissioners stuck in the past

I can’t believe that our county commissioners are living in the 21st century.

First is the proposal to build an elevated roadway from the airport to the Strip. Other big cities are building light rail, trams and monorails. Yet our commissioners want to build another road. Their thinking is from the 1980s. The money should instead go toward automated people-movers that wouldn’t burn gasoline and increase pollution.

Second, several commissioners are pushing to increase the gasoline tax to pay for road projects. Again, these guys think it’s the 1980s. Don’t they know that with more electric and fuel-efficient vehicles comes fewer gallons of gasoline pumped?

The commissioners need to consider finding ways to tax vehicle owners on the miles they drive rather than at the pump. This way everyone who drives pays his share.

Someone needs to wake up these commissioners and demand they quit taking the easy way out. Otherwise, the voters need to elect forward-thinking commissioners, voting out those who have their heads stuck in the sand. Let’s get Las Vegas into the 21st century.

Spencer Hawkins


Overblown issue

In response to last Wednesday’s Review-Journal front page, which featured the headline, “Clinton often has ignored health”:

Hillary Clinton is a human being. We all have health issues, especially at the age of 69. She is the ultimate workhorse who loves the United States and believes she can make a difference in this scary world.

In my opinion, she has more experience in every aspect of political knowledge than all of her peers put together.

I am disgusted with the press, as well as the Review Journal, for making her health a major concern. It is quite obvious that your newspaper leans Republican, which is not fair.

Gayle DeMatoff

Las Vegas

Bank fraud

I mostly agree with the Sept. 15 letter to the editor from John Bauman, “Fire the bank,” about the recent Wells Fargo scandal. But I would caution: Before closing your Wells Fargo account, do you know if other financial institutions and credit unions have similar sales incentive systems?

The system in question required proper supervision and safeguards that management obviously failed to implement.

Years ago, I worked as a credit union manager. My credit union gave bonuses to managers and tellers when additional accounts were opened. I knew I needed to make sure everyone followed proper, legal procedures.

Charles L. Hoelderlin

North Las Vegas

Raider fans

So Mark Davis says “everyone is a winner” in this Las Vegas stadium deal (Friday Review-Journal). Well, except for the loyal Raider fan who gets screwed once again.

How many times have they bailed on their fans now?

I used to visit Las Vegas regularly, but no more. I am not going to have my pockets emptied so billionaires can watch football on the public dime.

Las Vegas has sold its soul to the devil. Private money would be one thing, but I can’t believe gullible Nevadans would let public money be used to support the uber-wealthy.

John Dillon

San Bruno, Calif.

LETTER: We have become numb

Mass shootings don’t get our attention anymore.

LETTER: How to stop wrong-way collisions on the freeway

Consideration should be given to installing tire-shredding spikes at freeway exit ramps, preventing vehicles from entering from the wrong direction.

LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.

LETTER: A dangerous combination

Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.