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Democrats, hypocrisy and the U.S. Supreme Court

In the Democrat world, the ends always justify the means. They can thank their chief demagogue from the Obama years, Harry Reid, for the Neil Gorsuch appointment. A fitting capstone on his slash-and-burn run as majority leader.

In their world of abject hypocrisy, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their faithful followers can reap the full scorn they deserve for so smugly supporting Harry Reid’s nuclear option. Who in their right mind would again vote for such arrogant, short-sighted and self-serving “public servants”?

Their deeds were shameful. They did not well serve the Democratic Party or the country — and now they can reap what they have sown.

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.