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Donald Trump hasn’t done much except put country on a dangerous course

Approaching the seventh month of the Trump presidency, I find that the president’s enormous promises are unfulfilled. He hasn’t been able to engineer health care, infrastructure or any legislation beneficial for citizens. He has immersed our country in the throes of diminished credibility. Is this what his supporters bargained for when they cast their vote?

Regardless of the results, Trump surrogates continue to propagandize supposed accomplishments, which are the seeds of the real fake news that has proliferated during this administration. Despite endangering health care, he has pandered to Russia, refused to chastise white supremacists for their violence and engaged in precarious saber rattling that could affect the peace of our country and global nations. Yet his supporters still continue to drink the Kool-Aid.

Vice President Mike Pence looks spellbound as the president articulates his untenable positions. He, along with the Republicans of Congress, have made a mockery of government by enabling Mr. Trump through their silence.

I fear for our country and the peace that has sustained us through presidents of both parties. Our nation, due to its leadership, is on course toward more dangerous ground. I hope that our legislators in Washington wake up and recognize that we must have responsible and rational leadership if we are to find the path toward a greater America.

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