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Harvey Weinstein and liberal hypocrisy

Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has now been exposed as a sexual predator and serial abuser of women. Apparently this was Hollywood’s “dirty little secret” for many years and involved many A-list actresses.

Isn’t it amazing that the Hollywood and Democrat political crowd were more than willing to get on their high horses and vilify President Donald Trump at every opportunity and self-indulgent awards ceremony but remained mum about one of their own? Remember this hypocrisy the next time this crowd of so-called celebrities and Democrat recipients of Weinstein’s campaign contributions attempt to preach to us about their superior moral code.

I’m not watching NFL football, and I sure as heck will never watch another lame Hollywood awards ceremony.

LETTER: Soros funding campus protests

George Soros would like nothing more than to see a complete deterioration of the United States.

LETTER: Criminals make us change our habits

In response to your Saturday story on credit card skimming: I was a scammed three times at the gas pumps.

LETTER: Rail line to California

This is progress? Four years and billions of dollars to build a roughly 200-mile stretch of rail from California to Nevada.

LETTER: Misinformation on inflation

The Biden administration is going all out to convince people that inflation is not as bad as it really is.

LETTER: A Trump-Biden cage debate

I would love to see a debate between our two presumptive presidential candidates. Just the two of them, one-on-one.